Just like it's nineteenth century cousin, the PP707 mid-nineteenth century chemise, this 1920's chemise can be worn under a corset. Yes, they wore corsets during the Flapper era. Just like today, not all women followed the latest fashion, especially women who had worn corsets in their youth. Woman with mature figures would have found it difficult to wear the light weight undergarments fashionable during the 1920's. Young women with slight figures could wear the bandeau and forgo corsets or girdles and wear their chemises over their bandeau. The drawers close with a tab in the seat that buttons from back to front.
The pattern is multi-sized 10 through 20. Fabrics suggested at the time were silk crepe de Chine, China silk, fine cotton or rayon. Purchase 2-1/8 Yds. of 36 inch wide fabric.